Registering Devices

Smart TVs

VUU Guest WiFi device registration

Identify the devices WiFI MAC address

    On Samsung Smart TV

  1.     Power on TV
  2.     Configure with remote (Right arrow key)
  3.     Select Language
  4.     Enter (middle button of the directional pad)
  5.     Connection Guide
  6.     Next (enter)
  7.     Wireless Connection
  8.     VUU-Guest-WiFI
  9.     (enter)
  10.     Internet connectivity will fail
  11.     Please copy the WiFi MAC Address  (Should be something like 00:7c:2d:xx:xx:xx)


Register Devices


1. Goto



2. Login



3. Select "Create device" on the left hand navigation menu



4. Add the WiFi  MAC address as as copied previously 

  1. Device Name: Call it SmartTV
  2. Accept terms
  3. Create
  4. Go


Give the process at least ten minutes to matriculate, and try to setup your TV connection to the VUU-Guest-WiFi again.


If a problem persists please submit a help desk ticket with the subject "VUU-Guest-Wifi device registration" and the WiFi MAC address of the device causing the problem.