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Pastoral Studies - PT
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Pastoral Studies - PT
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African Methodist Episcopal StudiesAfrican Methodist Episcopal Studies
Baptist Polity
Career Development & Ministry
Career Development III
Change Family Origin Therapy
Christian Education
Church Administration
Church and Community
Church and Comtemporary Culture
Church Finances & Administration
Church Growth & Renewal
Clinical OrientationClinical Orientation
Congregational Pastoral Care
Congregational Research Methods
Creativity in Christian EducationCreativity in Christian Education
Culture, Values and Worldview:Anthropology for Mission Practices
Curriculum Theory & DesignCurriculum Theory & Design
Edosomwan Institute
Educational Internship
Evangelism for the 21st Century
Faith & Human Development
Faith and Film
Field Education IField Education I
Field Education IIField Education II
Formation for Ministry, III
Formation for Ministry, IFormation for Ministry, I
Formation for Ministry, IIFormation for Ministry, II
Formational Counseling
Grief and LossGrief and Loss
Group Dynamics
History and Theology of Preaching
HIV Aids Prevention EducationHIV AIDS Prevention Education
HIV/Aids Prevention Afr Amer Church
Human Sexuality and Ministry
Intro Pastoral Care
Intro Ser Prep/Worship
Introduction Life Cycles Ministries
Leadership in the Church
Management for MinistersManagement for Ministers
Managing Debt in Ministry & LifeManaging Debt in Ministry & Life
Miles Jones Institute
Ministry of Pastoral Care
Ministry to Family
Ministry with Adults
Mission in Movies & Literature
Mission of the Church in the World
Multicultural Education MinistryMulticultural Edu Ministry
Multiple Inteligences in CEMultiple Inteligences in CE
Multiple Intelligences in Chr EduMultiple Intelligences in Chr Edu
Music in Worship Afr-Amer ChurchesMusic in Worship Afr-Amer Churches
Navigating Ministry Continuim
Nurturing Faith in ChildrenNurturing Faith in Children
Orientation to American Bapt Life
Paradigms for Urban Ministry
Partners for Life: Wellness Minsty.
Pastoral Care for Ministers
Pastoral Care of the Minister
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling
Philosophy of Christian EducationPhilosophy of Christian Education
Plan Organizing Christian Edu
Practical Ministry Intensive
Prayer and ScripturePrayer and Scripture
Preacher as a Practical Theologian
Preaching & the ImaginationPreqching & the Imagination
Preaching and Literature
Preaching and PneumatologyPreach Pneumatology
Preaching and Worship IIPreaching and Worship II
Preaching as Healng TherapyPreaching as Healing Therapy
Preaching the PsalmsPreaching the Psalms
Preparing for the Chaplaincy
Preparing for the Pastorate
Prison Ministry
Prophetic Proclamation
Resources for Creative Ministry
Seminar in Pastoral/Practical Theol
Solution-Focused Pastoral Counsel.
Spouse/Family Relationships
Substance Abuse Ministry
Taxes/Legal Issues Cong/Leaders
Teaching for Biblical Faith
Technology in the Church
The Church and Law
The Correlation Method in Preaching
The Sacred Self
Theo Matters: Race/Gender
Theological Economism
Theology and EducationTheology and Education
Theology and the Arts
Thesis Model of Preaching
United Methodist DoctrineUnited Methodist Doctrine
United Methodist History
United Methodist Polity
United Mthdst Hist Doctr & Polity
Women in Ministry
Women In Ministry
Work of the Christian EducatorWork of the Christian Educator
Worship & Sacraments
Youth Ministry: CompanioningYouth Ministry: Companioning
Youth Mnstyr 21st Century
Advanced Preaching & Worship
Advanced Preaching from Psalms
Advanced Preaching Workshop
Afr-Amer Pentacostalism Conf.Afr-Amer Pentacostalism Conf.
Church Care: An Integrated Response
Contemporary Practices in Christian
Creation Care and the Faith CmtyCreation Care and the Faith Cmty
D.S. Church Administration
Ellison-Jones ConvocationEllison-Jones Convocation
Health, Care and Hope
Incarnate Word: Compassion
Pastoral Care Grief Situations
Pastoral Care in Urban Hospitals
Pastoral Care/Counseling Grief SitPastoral Care/Counseling Grief Sit
Preaching & Theo of M L King Jr.
Preaching and Literature
Preaching from the Patriarchs
Preaching in the Urban Church
Preaching in Trying TimesPreaching in Trying Times
Preaching Liberation
Proclamation & Particularity
Race, Religion & Reconciliation
Recovery Resources CongregationsRecovery Resources Congregations
Religion & Health
Sacred Suffering
Self Care as a Spiritual PracticeSelf Care as a Spiritual Practice
Spiritual Disciplines & Res. Mnstrs
Teaching Practicum
Teaching Practicum - MACETch Pract - MACE
Teaching Practicum I
Topics in Pastoral Theology & Min.
U M Doctrine & History
U M Doctrine and Polity
United Mthdst Hist Doctr & Polity
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Pastoral Studies - PT
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Courses in this Department
Advanced Preaching & Worship
Advanced Preaching Workshop
Advanced Preaching from Psalms
Afr-Amer Pentacostalism Conf.Afr-Amer Pentacostalism Conf.
African Methodist Episcopal StudiesAfrican Methodist Episcopal Studies
Baptist Polity
Career Development & Ministry
Career Development III
Change Family Origin Therapy
Christian Education
Church Administration
Church Care: An Integrated Response
Church Finances & Administration
Church Growth & Renewal
Church and Community
Church and Comtemporary Culture
Clinical OrientationClinical Orientation
Congregational Pastoral Care
Congregational Research Methods
Contemporary Practices in Christian
Creation Care and the Faith CmtyCreation Care and the Faith Cmty
Creativity in Christian EducationCreativity in Christian Education
Culture, Values and Worldview:Anthropology for Mission Practices
Curriculum Theory & DesignCurriculum Theory & Design
D.S. Church Administration
Edosomwan Institute
Educational Internship
Ellison-Jones ConvocationEllison-Jones Convocation
Evangelism for the 21st Century
Faith & Human Development
Faith and Film
Field Education IField Education I
Field Education IIField Education II
Formation for Ministry, III
Formation for Ministry, IFormation for Ministry, I
Formation for Ministry, IIFormation for Ministry, II
Formational Counseling
Grief and LossGrief and Loss
Group Dynamics
HIV Aids Prevention EducationHIV AIDS Prevention Education
HIV/Aids Prevention Afr Amer Church
Health, Care and Hope
History and Theology of Preaching
Human Sexuality and Ministry
Incarnate Word: Compassion
Intro Pastoral Care
Intro Ser Prep/Worship
Introduction Life Cycles Ministries
Leadership in the Church
Management for MinistersManagement for Ministers
Managing Debt in Ministry & LifeManaging Debt in Ministry & Life
Miles Jones Institute
Ministry of Pastoral Care
Ministry to Family
Ministry with Adults
Mission in Movies & Literature
Mission of the Church in the World
Multicultural Education MinistryMulticultural Edu Ministry
Multiple Inteligences in CEMultiple Inteligences in CE
Multiple Intelligences in Chr EduMultiple Intelligences in Chr Edu
Music in Worship Afr-Amer ChurchesMusic in Worship Afr-Amer Churches
Navigating Ministry Continuim
Nurturing Faith in ChildrenNurturing Faith in Children
Orientation to American Bapt Life
Paradigms for Urban Ministry
Partners for Life: Wellness Minsty.
Pastoral Care Grief Situations
Pastoral Care for Ministers
Pastoral Care in Urban Hospitals
Pastoral Care of the Minister
Pastoral Care/Counseling Grief SitPastoral Care/Counseling Grief Sit
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling
Philosophy of Christian EducationPhilosophy of Christian Education
Plan Organizing Christian Edu
Practical Ministry Intensive
Prayer and ScripturePrayer and Scripture
Preacher as a Practical Theologian
Preaching & Theo of M L King Jr.
Preaching & the ImaginationPreqching & the Imagination
Preaching Liberation
Preaching and Literature
Preaching and Literature
Preaching and PneumatologyPreach Pneumatology
Preaching and Worship IIPreaching and Worship II
Preaching as Healng TherapyPreaching as Healing Therapy
Preaching from the Patriarchs
Preaching in Trying TimesPreaching in Trying Times
Preaching in the Urban Church
Preaching the PsalmsPreaching the Psalms
Preparing for the Chaplaincy
Preparing for the Pastorate
Prison Ministry
Proclamation & Particularity
Prophetic Proclamation
Race, Religion & Reconciliation
Recovery Resources CongregationsRecovery Resources Congregations
Religion & Health
Resources for Creative Ministry
Sacred Suffering
Self Care as a Spiritual PracticeSelf Care as a Spiritual Practice
Seminar in Pastoral/Practical Theol
Solution-Focused Pastoral Counsel.
Spiritual Disciplines & Res. Mnstrs
Spouse/Family Relationships
Substance Abuse Ministry
Taxes/Legal Issues Cong/Leaders
Teaching Practicum
Teaching Practicum - MACETch Pract - MACE
Teaching Practicum I
Teaching for Biblical Faith
Technology in the Church
The Church and Law
The Correlation Method in Preaching
The Sacred Self
Theo Matters: Race/Gender
Theological Economism
Theology and EducationTheology and Education
Theology and the Arts
Thesis Model of Preaching
Topics in Pastoral Theology & Min.
U M Doctrine & History
U M Doctrine and Polity
United Methodist DoctrineUnited Methodist Doctrine
United Methodist History
United Methodist Polity
United Mthdst Hist Doctr & Polity
United Mthdst Hist Doctr & Polity
Women In Ministry
Women in Ministry
Work of the Christian EducatorWork of the Christian Educator
Worship & Sacraments
Youth Ministry: CompanioningYouth Ministry: Companioning
Youth Mnstyr 21st Century