
Course Information

Rapid Reading Hebrew and ExegesisRapid Reading Hebrew and Exegesis (OT 608)

Term: 2017-18 Academic Year STVU Summer


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Thu, 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM (5/15/2018 - 7/21/2018) Location: MAIN KNGLY 202


This course is designed to complement the complete study of Biblical Hebrew grammar and all the seven Hebrew verbal conjugations, their stems and infleltions. As a result, the students will be able to fully engage most of the Hebrew Bible in its complexity and with more facilty. The course will consist of rapid reading and exegesis of select parts and books of the Hebrew Bible. Students will be expected to read, translate, and parse relevant grammatical elements. The goal is to enhance the students' knowledge of Hebrew grammar through direct contact with the biblical text. The students will also be encouraged to use the Hebrew dictionary in order to facilitate competency in reading, translating, and performing exegeis from the Hebrew Bible. Prerequsites: OT 503, OT 601, and OT 607.