
Course Information

Colloquium II (DM 603)

Term: 2022-23 Academic Year DM Fall


Paul Flowers Sr.
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John Eric Guns
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Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (8/22/2022 - 12/9/2022) Location: VBL


Colloquium II-One Week Residency
? Week One:
Intensive Seminar With Guest Lecturer (Morning Session)
Appreciative Inquiry Method Seminar (Afternoon Session)
Group Advising
Concentration Cohort Meetings
? Week Two:
Online IRB Course
Project Development (Coaching for Candidacy)

DM 712: On-line Course Requirement II
Resources for Doctoral Research Methods - Integrates advanced topics in theological studies with ministry project focus; engages resources informing theories informing the project of the student; develops the Candidacy Proposal and outlines the Project Document. Expected outcomes ? research paper defining theoretical foundations informing the project and foundation for Candidacy Proposal PowerPoint presentation.